Archive for January 22nd, 2013

Great Positives about Negative Calorie Foods

If you are conscious of calorie intake or you are on a weight programme you might be interested to know that there is a whole range of foods that are regarded as “negative calorie foods”; so named because they contain very few calories that the body expends more energy digesting and processing them than their calories’ worth.  Again if you are like me and you like that feel full to know that you have eaten, then this is welcome news.

Take for example a glass of cold water; we know it has no calorific value, but taken cold, the body will have to expend more energy just bringing it up to body temperature, even more beneficial is adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water as lemon is on the list of negative calorie foods.

Another good example is a bowl of salad containing negative calorie foods, for example tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, onion, celery, carrots – then you get yourself a colourful bowlful of all great nutrients less the calories – the trick is not to add dressing if you can it on its own.  The following is a list of some of the negative calorie foods; it is by no means exhaustive…













As with everything, too much of a good thing can be harmful.  You will still need to maintain a balanced diet and active lifestyle.  Use these negative calorie foods with wisdom and watch the weight melt away – helpful hints in your weight lose or weight control programme.